
Katie has the ability to tap into the underlying matrix of reality to identify where and how energy is flowing or not flowing, and then to make adjustments to that matrix to improve flow to the benefit of her clients. I have had her explore obscure aspects of my professional life and she provided information at a depth and level of detail that blew my mind. Katie identified issues, challenges, and solutions that weren’t even on my radar at the time of the reading but that became evident with the passage of the weeks and months that followed. I highly recommend working with Katie on any aspect of life where one has questions, doubts, or needs a shift in the flow. In addition to her abilities, Katie works and interacts with people from a place of service and with utmost integrity. I trust her implicitly.

Andrew Gentile, Business Owner

I didn’t believe miracles exist until I met with Katie. She has this special power that can change the course of energy which lead to positive impact to people life’s. She does not need to be present, over the call or video, she is able to use her power and make people happy, problems go away. She defineltly borned with this ability and happy to share with other people and make the world a better place. I wish there were more Katie in this world. We definetly need more

Ivan F., Artist

I really appreciate all the help you are giving me. I would be lost without it, dealing with this. Your gifts are phenomenal, as are you.

Emma, Business Owner

Thank you so much for the session and clearing my head. It made such a huge difference…I couldn’t have made it through the night without you!!!

Mary, Wife

Working with Katherine has brought so much peace into my life. Prior to working with her, I was suffering from frequent violent nightmares. But after just a few sessions, I’ve been able to sleep through the night and I’m so grateful to Katherine for peaceful rest. Katherine’s empathy is vast, her wisdom runs deep and I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with such an effervescent ball of beautiful positive energy. If you’re thinking about PT™ — try it. After numerous attempts at various modalities over the years, PT™ has been the only one that has healed me and continues to heal me. Thank you, Katherine!

Sandi, Actress (Netflix, Delta)

All these good people came into my life because of you and your energy. People tell me bad things and it hurts. You put them into perspective. Not only that on my analysis list, but you were also the only one that helped me be rational and get positive support when I’m making decisions.

Mark, Marketer

Katie is an incredible healer. She is kind and gentle and I was able to physically feel her honest empathy and compassion. Even though I came to my appointment with Katie with high expectations, she surpassed all of them. I left each session feeling seen, lovingly held, empowered, and much closer to the version of me I long to embody completely. The language she uses is clear and I found it to be particularly helpful. I felt truly seen by Katie and I also felt her earnest desire to help me in my healing journey. This allowed me to open up quicker and heal old wounds faster. She is a soulful healer and I would recommend her to anyone who is truly committed to becoming healed.

Rita Udibe, MA, LMFT

I want to let you know your healing is helping me a lot. I can feel free from so many things that were holding me.

Celine, Founder & CEO

I did all the things you suggested after the healing and slept quite well that night. I feel things are gently assimilating and clearing…Thank you so much for sharing with me your rituals and guidance. I feel most blessed that you did this. I resonate with what you shared and realised that I had started doing some of the working with objects and colours without being fully aware of it. The self protection advise you gave me is also very helpful and reassuring. It is all assisting me to tune in with greater focus and to differentiate between my own energy and that of others.Thank you for your healing, love and kindness.

Susanna, Community Member

I’ve got the best care team on my side which now includes you…Watched a few programs a few days after our call. Message that came out of both were about women finding themselves. Thought about our talk. I’m remaining positive.

Margot, Stage 4 Cancer Survivor

Hello my beautiful. Thank you for your magic and amazing work to show me that I can experience all.
I feel amazing in myself now and I continue to do it.

Gracie, Founder & CEO

Thanks for everything. I don’t know where I would be without you. I deeply appreciate everything.

Linda Madison, Business Owner

Hey Katherine, I am physically improved. You are really excellent at working on the physical body. I think this is one of your gifts. I had a few slight twinges but physically so so much better. I am really grateful for the session.

George Baker, Teacher

Working with Katie has totally changed my understanding of energy work and distance healings altogether. It’s pretty much indescribable the work that she is able to do, but once you experience it you get it. Katie does a wonderful job of facilitating the healing process. I felt completely safe, supported, and assured throughout our session, and even received answers to questions that I didn’t know I really had. Her connection to Source energy is obviously super strong as there were physical signs of healing in real-time as well – I’ve never had something quite that extreme during a session but had always kind of hoped I’d get to experience something like that! Very very cool to work with Katie – I highly recommend!

Leviosa R., Teacher

Katie has performed the most profound and life altering healing sessions with both myself and my wife. I have immediately experienced powerful miraculous changes in my internal state, physical body and external world. My wife and I are no strangers to healing modalities. We have seen many. Katie is surrounded by world class shamans, mystics, and masters from many traditions. She is by far the absolute BEST there is at this. I strongly recommend you book a session with her immediately. The abundant love, unwavering focus, and effectiveness of her sessions is unparalleled. Her insight and intuition is immaculately precise. Having a session with Katie will be the best decision you will ever make.

Joddy R., Reiki Master

Katie has absolutely transformed my life in so many positive ways I cannot recommend her highly enough! Her sessions are truly miraculous and powerful beyond words! She is a gifted and intuitive healer and has so much she can offer you!

Paul S., Recruiting Manager

Hi Katherine, I hope this finds you well. I just wanted to thank you again for the session. I feel so good. I can’t even put it into words how much you helped me yesterday. I’m so grateful. You are so gifted and I feel really lucky to know you and this thing we call Earth is also very lucky to have you here.

Infinite Blessing.

Peter F., Employee

Thx for thinking of me – I’m a lot calmer this week. Somehow something shifted – strange but then again this is normal for you. Thanks again for your help.

Kim Park, Master's Student

You came to me in a dream last night. You were sharing things to help me clear.

Thanks so much,


Victoria Mendoza, Homemaker

My angelic hero!! Always exceeding expectation. Thank you. Love you my beauty 😍

Margie Jameson, Designer

I spoke to my mom. She said she feels great, that she was dancing around the house and has not felt so good in a long time. Thanks a lot xx

She said that it was the best session she ever had, just so you know.

Jo Marley, Nurse

I was able to walk into the hospital thanks to you! ❤️ I really appreciate all that you have done for me. You are truly gifted 😇 XX

Gina Fenton, Architect

I am so glad you are there in my life.. I’m energized and moving about smoothly as if somebody sprayed WD40 since the session this afternoon 😊 thank you for everything 🙏

Jay Lamb, Self-employed

2 new jobs just showed up that I’m interested in! I felt guided to look elsewhere. Geez your healings work fast! 😊😊🤗

Ruth Shepard, Jobseeker